A few years ago, I designed a series of youth lessons on the story of the fall. As I studied and received insights and guidance from the Holy Spirit, I was fascinated by the many lessons in this short, impactful story. In Lessons from Eden, I share what I learned and connect it with other scriptures to help believers identify and resist their sources of temptation. God our Father does not want us to be caught up in the strongholds of sin and live with the resulting consequences. He wants us to love Him, ourselves, and others as ourselves. That's the key to a blessed and fruitful life. This book gives us strategies for identifying and overcoming sin. Yet, since we are sinners saved by grace, we'll also cover how to get our lives back on the right track when we sin. God is merciful and forgiving, and He will never stop loving us.
I pray that you will find my new book helpful and engaging. It was written to help us win! Please consider using it for your personal and group studies and to help a loved one break free.
Chapter 1: In the Beginning
Chapter 2: Who Will You Serve?
How to Resist
Chapter 3: Know God & Trust Him
Chapter 4: Plan for Temptation
Chapter 5: Stay Ready
Chapter 6: Recognize Deception
Chapter 7: Resist Temptation
Chapter 8: The Blessings of Obedience
How to Recover
Chapter 9: Wrong Next Moves
Chapter 10: Confess & Assess
Chapter 11: Repent & Change
Chapter 12: Forgiveness & Consequences
Chapter 13: Move Forward with God
Parting Words
The book can be purchased at most major online bookstores, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes. Please contact me directly for early copies and bulk order discounts (10+).
I would love to receive your feedback on this book. Please submit a review on the website where you purchased your copy, email me, or post a note on my Facebook page. Thank you!
I wrote Fathered By God after being disheartened by news reports of the various problems children raised in fatherless homes experience. I also noticed many Christians who lived as if they were fatherless and unloved. Instead of shaking my head and moving on with life, I acted on God's prompt to become a part of the solution. My part was to share the truth through this book. What is the truth? No human parent or family structure is perfect. But we have everything we need when God is our Father and Jesus is our Lord and Savior. There is no better parent and no better help! This book helps us understand how God fathers us. Then, we delve into how we are to live as His beloved children. With this information, we can live with freedom and security, knowing that our Father takes excellent care of us.
This book can be used for personal and group study. Several churches and religious organizations use it for discipleship and Bible studies.
For those desiring deeper study, I have written a companion workbook titled "The Living Loved Bible Study." The workbook contains 32 lessons that guide students through each book chapter more thoroughly. It can be used with the book or independently. Contact me for more details on this product.
Part One: God as Your Father
Chapter 1: God, Your Creator
Chapter 2: Your Father, Your Provider
Chapter 3: Your Father, Your Teacher
Chapter 4: Your Father, Your Corrector
Chapter 5: Your Father, Your Protector
Chapter 6: Your Father, Your All
Part Two: Living as God's Child
Chapter 7: Know Your Father
Chapter 8: Follow Your Father
Chapter 9: Know Your Brother, Jesus
Chapter 10: Live for Your Father
Chapter 11: Adore Your Father
Chapter 12: Live With Confidence!
Hardcopy, Paperback, eBook
The book can be purchased at the following online bookstores: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Reader House. For bulk order discounts (10+), please contact me directly.
Please submit a review on the website where you purchased your copy, email me, or post a note on my Facebook page. Thank you!
My first book, Getting Started with Jesus, was written with new Christians in mind. What happens after a person believes and accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior? How do they get started with their new life? What changes? Who will help them? This book can be part of their learning and discipleship plan. It will give foundational information and help them get started on their wonderful new life as a child of God.
Getting Started with Jesus can be used for personal and group studies. You might also gift it to a newly converted family member or friend. Several churches have used this book for topical Bible studies or have included it in their new member orientation programs.
Chapter 1: Surrender Control of Your Life
Chapter 2: Meet Satan-Your New Enemy
Chapter 3: Meet Your Helper-God's Holy Spirit
Chapter 4: Talk to God Through Prayer
Chapter 5: Read the Bible-God's Word
Chapter 6: Make Time to Meditate and Reflect
Chapter 7: Join a Church Family
Chapter 8: Set New Priorities for Your Life
Chapter 9: Arm Yourself for Battle Each Day
Chapter 10: Train Your Mind for Battle
Chapter 11: Live for God and Win!
A Final Prayer
Hardback, Paperback, eBook
The book can be purchased at the following online bookstores: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Reader House. For bulk order discounts (10+), please contact me directly.
Your feedback is welcomed! Please submit a review on the website where you purchased your copy, email me, or post a note on my Facebook page. Thank you!